Saturday, March 15, 2008

A beautiful word "Sweet"

I have thought for a while to write put this topic in my blog. The word "Sweet" is used vastly in our days as it was used centuries before. When anyone hear the word "sweet", the first thing that pops in our mind is candy. That is logical since one of the most things that cheered us as children was candy. The mix of sweet and maybe sour tastes in our mouths. Sweets don't only mean candy, but also a desert as a side dish as well.

Sweet didn't stop to that meaning only, it was given meanings to be an adjective and not only as a noun. Adjectives described people or things, I personally find it lovely when a person calls his lover "Sweet" or even "Sweety". Maybe that attitude was developed from loving a person the most as if he is a child whom sticking to his favorite candy. It give meanings of (dear, beloved, adored, and maybe even beautiful). I liked the part when a person calls another person sweet representing cuteness and maybe even innocence.

Some of the meanings I am aware of in this topic was from a dictionary. One of the meanings represent delights or pleasure found in something as in the sweets of the friends' gatherings. Another meaning illustrate the sweet part or element of something. If someone is encouraging someone who has gone through a bad time, he would say "you have had the bitter, now comes the sweet". If we will look at the word sweet, we would find that we never get tired from saying it because it always feel nice when we say sweet with a smile.


Here is a partial reference to the word sweet in oxford dictionary, I own a copy on my laptop in which i found the meanings from

This is an article about the word sweet from wikipedia encyclopedia where I have found this nice picture


mansoor 174 blog project said...

hello eissa....
The word "Sweet" is used vastly in our days. this is beatiful essay in your blog. still up eissa to be the best engenieer man.
thank you ....

maktoom174blogproject said...

thanks for expanding the difanition of word (sweet).