Saturday, March 15, 2008

Carbon Footprint

A carbon footprint is a way to measure the amount of carbon dioxide that we emit from what we use. It tells us about the amount of emission of greenhouse effect gases from what we do.

Some of the environmental organizations have made a way to calculate the carbon footprint in a simplified way, through a series of multiple choice questions. It is significant to put in mind that there is no stable values for carbon footprint, the values depend on the results of each organization. I was instructed to calculate my carbon footprint through two websites which are "" and "". The questions in the survey included electricity usage, the type of transportation and its duration as well as food.

Each of the given websites gave a number which represents how many earth we need to live in a balanced environment. We were asked to take the average of both websites. My carbon footprint was 7.225 and I have taken 5 colleagues. I was ranked the second lowest carbon footprint and the range of all of the six of us was between 6.515 and 8.708.

It is terrible to hear that we need more planets to live in to balance the greenhouse gases. I would recommend to start using high technology industry rather than dirty industries. Moreover, it is better using renewable resources than using non renewable ones. Finally, Increasing the number of trees through a vast area to decrease CO2 level and cools the air.

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