Sunday, March 16, 2008

Somethin' about |\/|.E.

Asalam Alaikom,

I'm Neeno and my name is Eisa Al-Qubaisi. Al-Qubaisi family belongs to "bani yas allies" which the alliance started before the country was united. "Bani yas" refers to "seer bani yas" which is an island in the gulf where most tribes who formed the alliance came from or joined it. Well, this is the guy who defeated me in boxing.

Taking life as a challenge is something entertaining but sometimes difficult. I'm willing to learn some media skills like how to draw some animations with an appropriate program. I always admire "Dubai One TV" advertisement. It combines art with music, creations with completeness.

At the moment, I am enjoying my study days and I'm trying different things to know where I really fit from playing a guitar, to dancing and even playing a martial art. Being a part in a problem is not really me, but I always try in being a part of the solution is very much me.

An interesting thing is the communication in which people send a whole idea or an information, a confusing part of it is how the other person understood what you told him. A more interesting thing is the body language which can reveal the truth in others if they are influenced in the communication. a commuication includes what the other said, how he said it and even it includes the body language which influence the body actions, and the looks and face emotions.
This blog is for global warming and other issues. I hope you enjoy it.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A beautiful word "Sweet"

I have thought for a while to write put this topic in my blog. The word "Sweet" is used vastly in our days as it was used centuries before. When anyone hear the word "sweet", the first thing that pops in our mind is candy. That is logical since one of the most things that cheered us as children was candy. The mix of sweet and maybe sour tastes in our mouths. Sweets don't only mean candy, but also a desert as a side dish as well.

Sweet didn't stop to that meaning only, it was given meanings to be an adjective and not only as a noun. Adjectives described people or things, I personally find it lovely when a person calls his lover "Sweet" or even "Sweety". Maybe that attitude was developed from loving a person the most as if he is a child whom sticking to his favorite candy. It give meanings of (dear, beloved, adored, and maybe even beautiful). I liked the part when a person calls another person sweet representing cuteness and maybe even innocence.

Some of the meanings I am aware of in this topic was from a dictionary. One of the meanings represent delights or pleasure found in something as in the sweets of the friends' gatherings. Another meaning illustrate the sweet part or element of something. If someone is encouraging someone who has gone through a bad time, he would say "you have had the bitter, now comes the sweet". If we will look at the word sweet, we would find that we never get tired from saying it because it always feel nice when we say sweet with a smile.


Here is a partial reference to the word sweet in oxford dictionary, I own a copy on my laptop in which i found the meanings from

This is an article about the word sweet from wikipedia encyclopedia where I have found this nice picture

A Brilliant Idea "Cool City"

The industrial revolution began in the seventeenth century but there have been some problems associated with economic development. Some of these problems are the rise in population, increase in energy consumption which usually leads to the increase in carbon dioxide emissions to the air and traffic delay. Unfortunately if we didn’t act to solve these problems we would eventually need another Earth to live in, which is impossible. To maintain a sustainable Earth to live in, we need to decrease the carbon dioxide by one-half.

Almost all of the carbon dioxide emissions are coming from “buildings” and “transportation” which form around 90%. It is expected that the buildings will reduce 50% of the carbon dioxide in the air and the residential buildings will reduce 30%. One brilliant solution is to build a model city known as “Cool City” in which various technologies are used to cool the air and reduce the carbon dioxide emissions by 60%. In this model city, hybrid cars are used, water taxi would be available and light mono rails as well. Moreover, the radius of the Cool City would be 1 KM; this will allow us to reach the buildings by walking. The city uses solar farms and it will be surrounded by many trees to hold the sand and prevent sand storms.

There will be various zones in the Cool City like Business, Culture, Sports, Hotel and most importantly Residential. This model city is planned and will be built by an engineers’ organization known as “SDCJ” and it is from Japan.
Here are two links to videos opened and buffered through Windows Media Player :-

Carbon Footprint

A carbon footprint is a way to measure the amount of carbon dioxide that we emit from what we use. It tells us about the amount of emission of greenhouse effect gases from what we do.

Some of the environmental organizations have made a way to calculate the carbon footprint in a simplified way, through a series of multiple choice questions. It is significant to put in mind that there is no stable values for carbon footprint, the values depend on the results of each organization. I was instructed to calculate my carbon footprint through two websites which are "" and "". The questions in the survey included electricity usage, the type of transportation and its duration as well as food.

Each of the given websites gave a number which represents how many earth we need to live in a balanced environment. We were asked to take the average of both websites. My carbon footprint was 7.225 and I have taken 5 colleagues. I was ranked the second lowest carbon footprint and the range of all of the six of us was between 6.515 and 8.708.

It is terrible to hear that we need more planets to live in to balance the greenhouse gases. I would recommend to start using high technology industry rather than dirty industries. Moreover, it is better using renewable resources than using non renewable ones. Finally, Increasing the number of trees through a vast area to decrease CO2 level and cools the air.

Opinion on "An Inconvenient Truth"

Conflict Diamond PowerPoint

Please feel free to access quick information I summarised in the 174 English course about the hardship of extracting illegal diamond stones.

Click here to download the powerpoint presentation

Note: It might take few moments for the page to load and permits the downloading.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore was a potential president of U.S.A. He was a former politician and also a former vice president. He grew up in his father's farm. He spread the awareness of Global Warming based on research and results he conducted or was a part in conducting. His interest in Global warming was a result of the help he provided in conducting the results of his professor's research on it.

Global warming is a result of the greenhouse effect gases that keeps the heat of the sun inside the Earth's atmosphere. Such gases include mainly CO2 which comes from many combustion processes. As a result of trapped heat, the temperature of the Earth eventually will rise. Thus, the Earth will change dramatically.

One of the changes from the Global warming was the formation of water deposits after the melting of glaciers. It would take hundreds of years for Glaciers to melt. Unfortunately, things don’t go around like what we expect. Glaciers melt in some places more than others with in cracks and holes. Later, the holes reach deep down to the rock basement where then the water from melted ice keep moving under the glaciers and result in separating big parts of the glaciers.

Glaciers and ice don't only cools the temperature, but also acts as reflectors for heat. While ice reflects 90% of heat, water in the other hand absorbs 90% of heat. Therefore, the temperature will rise faster than it is supposed to be due to the rapid melt of glaciers and ice