Thursday, May 3, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore was a potential president of U.S.A. He was a former politician and also a former vice president. He grew up in his father's farm. He spread the awareness of Global Warming based on research and results he conducted or was a part in conducting. His interest in Global warming was a result of the help he provided in conducting the results of his professor's research on it.

Global warming is a result of the greenhouse effect gases that keeps the heat of the sun inside the Earth's atmosphere. Such gases include mainly CO2 which comes from many combustion processes. As a result of trapped heat, the temperature of the Earth eventually will rise. Thus, the Earth will change dramatically.

One of the changes from the Global warming was the formation of water deposits after the melting of glaciers. It would take hundreds of years for Glaciers to melt. Unfortunately, things don’t go around like what we expect. Glaciers melt in some places more than others with in cracks and holes. Later, the holes reach deep down to the rock basement where then the water from melted ice keep moving under the glaciers and result in separating big parts of the glaciers.

Glaciers and ice don't only cools the temperature, but also acts as reflectors for heat. While ice reflects 90% of heat, water in the other hand absorbs 90% of heat. Therefore, the temperature will rise faster than it is supposed to be due to the rapid melt of glaciers and ice

1 comment:

ali174blogproject said...

Hi Eisa, How you doing ?
l Gore alert the world about the disaster which called Global Warming . But he didn't give a convincing solution.

keep touch your friend Ali Husain