Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My Opinion on "An Inconvenient Truth"

The movie shows the impact of the greenhouse gases on the earth. It doesn’t only affect the climate, but also causes starvation for some animals. It may only bring homes for new diseases, but also causes people and animals to lose their homes and even lives. The movie viewers aware of the results of human acts. The industries, the fossil fuels and makes the old technology that release dirty gases can be changed to newer technologies to avoid destroying the atmosphere and polluting the air.

I find the melting of glaciers is the most compelling thing because I learned that ice reflects lots of the sun’s rays. It also was the most compelling to me due to the rapid melting of the ice when large pieces of glaciers slip in to the oceans. Furthermore, the melting was caused by the constant increase of heat which was caused by the greenhouse gases.

I find Al Gore's comments on the matching graphs and the maps are funny yet bring attention to "why would it not be true?”. The movie started with calm music which emphasize that he is delivering a peace message and wants a better world to live in. Furthermore, the images supported what he was saying because there was a big difference in each of the comparisons he brought. I am not a critic and I give it 10 out of 10. I find the movie educational and helpful. Al Gore uses dramatic events from his personal life to draw a personal connection to the possible consequences. His speech was helpful enough to show us what people have done to the earth and that we should start plan and act to protect our only earth. We should learn from our mistakes and aware other from ours.

Here is a link for my voice thread about this opinion

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