Monday, January 22, 2007

About Beirut

Lebanon is a unique and unusual country. It is surrounded by Africa and Europe and Lebanon is in Asia. Lebanon is surrounded by Cyprus, Jordan, Israel, Syria and Turkey. Lebanon is mentioned in the Bible as “the land of milk and honey”. Jesus performed his first miracle in Lebanon too where he turned the rivers into milk and wine. Lebanon is the only Arab country that has almost the same number of Christians and Muslims.

That incident triggered a civil war between Muslims and Christians. Beirut’s western part was taken for Muslims and the eastern part was taken for Christians. The Christians asked for Syrian military for support and the result of the tension was the trust between both religions completely broke down. Revenge killing followed and violence spiraled out of control. The Lebanese army that had troops from both religions collapsed. A peace deal was finally reached in 1989 after many losses. Around 200,000 people died and also 300,000 were wounded and the economy paralyzed for years.

Beirut nowadays has a large population of young people who believe in peace and live together without religious conflicts. The tourists enjoy Lebanon as well as the young Lebanese adults by the natural views in daytime and entertaining with their nightlife while the older people spend the night time in restaurants. Beirut is also called “Paris of the East”. People can enjoy the warm beaches in summer and snow covered mountains in winter. An amazing thing in Beirut is that the mountains are away from the beach by only a 20 minute drive. The American style shopping malls are built in Beirut and bulldozers fill the land. The old clock tower is rebuilt in Beirut’s downtown. Unfortunately over 300,000 young people left Lebanon to pursue their dreams and many more live Brazil and Australia. A solid fact is that Lebanon has a high unemployment. Moreover, foreigners have taken over most of the businesses.

This is one of my assignments. Please comment on this topic and I will be glad to read your comments and reply on them.